Jose and Crystal Orta

Thanks for joining us! Here our some updates and photos from our lives!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Tax Internship!

I started working again this week! Woohoo! That's a joint woohoo from both Jose and I. I know he will certainly enjoy me bringing home a paycheck again for a few months before the baby is born! I'm working at Grana & Teibel, CPA's, a local CPA firm that is very small. I am one of two interns who will work throughout the tax season preparing returns and preparing financial statements. The firm is very small and very quiet. Only two partners, 1 managing accountant and 1 secretary. But everyone seems to be really nice and helpful and I enjoy it so far!! Yay!

21 Weeks!

Here I am at 21 weeks pregnant! The baby is the length of a carrot! She weighs about 3/4 of one pound and is 10.5 inches long from head to toe.

My belly is definitely starting to show more. My belly started to pop out a little starting around week 18. It's funny though, I feel like its obvious, but a lot of people that I encounter throughout the day, whether it be at class, the store or even work (yes I'm working again) don't seem to notice my belly. Or maybe they just don't care. I would have thought work would have noticed though.

I definitely am starting to eat a little more at certain times of the day. Last night I was really hungry and up late doing homework and waiting for Jose to get home from playing basketball. I made Jose and I a midnight snack that I ended up eating all of. Oops! lol. The baby was hungry, I told Jose!

I think I'm feeling her every now and then. It's not constant and I wouldn't really describe it as kicking yet either. Maybe once or twice it feels like a kick, but mostly its little flutters in my belly.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

20 Weeks (as of 1/20/11)

Here I am at 20 weeks!!! The baby is the length of a banana! She weighs about 10.5 ounces and is 6.5 inches from head to bottom and 10 inches from head to heel.

I definitely feel like I'm back to normal in terms of my appetite. I feel like I'm starting to eat a little more than I would before pregnancy. I'm trying to keep my hunger under control without eating too much, since apparently your really not supposed to eat for two. You're just supposed to increase your caloric intake by about 300 calories.

We're half way there! I can't believe it. But it definitely feels like its been longer than 20 weeks! Hopefully the last half will go by quickly!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

19 Weeks!

Here I am at 19 weeks! The baby is the size of a mango! Mmmmmm! I love mangoes! She is about 6 inches from head to bottom and weighs about 8.5 ounces.

So far I think I've only gained 4 pounds. I don't know my exact pre-pregnancy weight so it's not exact, but should be close.

I still haven't felt her kick yet but am so anxious and excited for that moment: the next major milestone!

Friday, January 7, 2011

18 Weeks!

Here I am at 18 weeks!! The baby is the size of a sweet potato! She is approximately 5 1/2 inches long from head to bottom and weighs about 7 ounces.

Friday, December 31, 2010

It's a......


We had our first ultrasound appointment on December 28th! I was 16 weeks and 5 days at the time. It was AMAZING to see our baby girl! All the detail...her little hand waving to us, her feet, spine, and seeing her heart pumping were priceless.

The technician said everything looks great! The baby looks really healthy and so does the placenta! The technician measured the baby and said she was about 7 ounces and her femurs were a little long! She must have gotten a recessive gene because neither Jose nor I are very tall. ha!

After our ultrasound appointment we decided to go to Babies R US to start our registry! Boy was that a long and tired process. So much to get (I don't know where its all going to fit in our house) and so much that as first time parents we don't know. The annoying thing was when I went online to see our registry I was able to see customer reviews for the products we selected...and most of the products got really bad reviews in terms of function or safety for the baby, so I ended up having to switch a lot of the things we registered for.

17 Weeks

Here I am at 17 weeks pregnant! The baby is the weight of a turnip. I again had my brother photoshop a picture of a turnip into the photo because I didn't want to buy a turnip and not use it. I think it would have turned out better if my hand was like the peach photo.

Here's a second photo of me at 17 weeks (without produce..ha!) because the photo with the turnip didn't show my belly very well.