Jose and Crystal Orta

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Friday, January 28, 2011

21 Weeks!

Here I am at 21 weeks pregnant! The baby is the length of a carrot! She weighs about 3/4 of one pound and is 10.5 inches long from head to toe.

My belly is definitely starting to show more. My belly started to pop out a little starting around week 18. It's funny though, I feel like its obvious, but a lot of people that I encounter throughout the day, whether it be at class, the store or even work (yes I'm working again) don't seem to notice my belly. Or maybe they just don't care. I would have thought work would have noticed though.

I definitely am starting to eat a little more at certain times of the day. Last night I was really hungry and up late doing homework and waiting for Jose to get home from playing basketball. I made Jose and I a midnight snack that I ended up eating all of. Oops! lol. The baby was hungry, I told Jose!

I think I'm feeling her every now and then. It's not constant and I wouldn't really describe it as kicking yet either. Maybe once or twice it feels like a kick, but mostly its little flutters in my belly.

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