Jose and Crystal Orta

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Wednesday, December 22, 2010

"Find the Little Fish in the Big Fish Bowl"

Yesterday Jose and I had our third midwife appointment. Everything went well and we got some questions answered. She said that all my symptoms are normal and I should get some relief from the nausea soon and regain my appetite. She also said my growth is right where it should be. Because I'm right where I should be, my midwife is pretty positive that we only have one baby! Yay! Since Jose's family has a history of twins on both his maternal and paternal side, there has been a question as to whether I'm carrying one or two babies.

We also got to hear the baby's heartbeat again! We heard the heartbeat at the last appointment 4 weeks ago and the heartbeat was in the 150 bpm range. My midwife found the baby pretty quickly last time also. However, this time, she couldn't find the baby for a little while. She says it like trying to find the little fish in the big fish bowl, since the baby is still relatively small. She scanned my stomach going up and down in rows looking for the baby and then we heard the heartbeat for only a few seconds before the baby swam away! So she started talking to the baby and looking for the baby again. This time the baby decided to stay still for us and we got to hear the heartbeat for more than a few seconds. This time the heartbeat was in the mid-140 bpm range. I was initially worried when she couldn't find the heartbeat, but my midwife said its the technology not the baby. The fetal doppler that detects the heartbeat can detect movement. She was detecting a lot of movement while she was initially looking for the baby. I thought it was so funny when we heard the baby for only a second before it swam away. I just imagine the baby in my uterus is like a little pin ball bouncing and swimming around in there. ha! too funny!

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